

04 mins read

Real Time Practical Challenges of MPLS to SDWAN Migrations

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Thiyagu Ganesan

Posted: May 28, 2024

List of practical challenges of MPLS to SDWAN migration

People are consistently intrigued by the real-time or practical challenges encountered during SD-WAN migration.

While there are numerous projected or theoretical lists of challenges associated with MPLS to SD-WAN migration, it would be invaluable to gain insights into the real-time practical issues from experts who have successfully completed migrations for over 500 sites.

Indeed, sharing real-time practical experiences of MPLS to SD-WAN migration can provide valuable insights to readers. It is not only awakening their awareness but also helps them prepare for similar challenges in their own projects. By learning from these experiences, readers can proactively adjust their project implementation plans to mitigate potential challenges, thus minimizing delays or downtime during the MPLS to SD-WAN migration process.

In any SD-WAN deployment, whether it's a new implementation or a migration from MPLS, fast provisioning plays a pivotal role, regardless of scale.

In a recent interview with an SD-WAN Architect overseeing a team responsible for migrating over 500+ sites from MPLS to SD-WAN, it was revealed that their initial timeline of 14 months extended to 22.8 months, representing approximately 63% more time than originally planned. This significant deviation underscores the substantial impact on the business operations.

Among the various issues contributing to project delays, one significant factor was the absence of 'Fast Provisioning' for SD-WAN branch devices.

Most SD-WAN vendor solutions typically encompass three core components:



Branch Device

The speed at which we deploy the orchestrator, controller, and branch device directly influences the speed of provisioning.

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Here is the list of key challenges faced during the migration of 500+ MPLS sites to SDWAN.

Limited understanding of the technology as it was a relatively new product

Onsite Challenges: 1.Inexperience with console access, cabling tasks, and other miscellaneous activities, 2.Obtaining permission for downtime to conduct the activity

Changes in configuration standards by the architect team, resulting in the need for re-work and adjustments to already prepared scripts

Delays from the ISP vendor due to providing incorrect circuit handoff (copper vs fiber) or delivering to the wrong floor or building, often caused by inadequate address information

Insufficient availability of free fiber or copper ports in core switches for the deployment of new SD-WAN routers, hindering the setup readiness for parallel configuration

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At Ticvic, we have designed and developed a SD-WAN platform that prioritizes fast provisioning for seamless deployment, featuring single-touch zero-touch provisioning capabilities to address the aforementioned challenges. Our SD-WAN platform boasts a remarkable deployment time of just three minutes, encompassing provisioning for Orchestrator, Controller, and Branch device.For further insights, please don't hesitate to reach out to our technical team, who are at the forefront of this product's core development.

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